
Software Developer, Coffee Nerd, Food Photogapher

A little about me

I like coffee and bikes and music and movies, and some other stuff, too.

I'm a natural tinkerer. Ever since I was a child, I would take apart my toys to see how they work, and if I could put them back together, sometimes with improvements. That inquisitive nature is still with me. I'm never afraid to question why and how things work.

I carry that inquisitive nature with me into all undertakings, small and large. I feel that if I can understand how something works, I can apply that knowledge to myriad other situations.

I'm quick on my feet and can adapt on the fly to solve problems. With that wide knowledge base of 'how', I feel confident that, even in unfamiliar situations, if there is a solution to be found, I can find it.

I do some things pretty OK sometimes.


I enjoy using my camera to document overlooked portions of the world around me.

Software Developer

Developing my personal skills, while developing the software that may make some difference out there.


While I might have left the coffee scene professionally, its still a driving force in my life.

Software Developer

I've always thought of myself a something of a problem solver. When something isn't quite working the way it should, my curiosity fires up. Can I open it up and see whats wrong? Is it fixable? Why not take a look and see? If I can fix one, I might be able to make another from scratch.

If I can make something from scratch, why couldn't I make more things? Taking something apart, to put it back together, better, seems quite fufilling. Why not learn how to make new things? It seems even more fufilling. That curiosity has driven me to development.

Amateur Food Photography

I tend to use my bike or my feet as my primary mode of transportation. The more relaxed pace of walking allows me to see things others might overlook. Over the years, little trends have stood out to me, such as unfinished food, left on the ground.

While it might seem silly, I've decided to document this found waste whenever I stumble upon it. Its my hope that this documentation raises awareness of the issue of food waste and access, in a lighthearted way. Follow in my footsteps over at yumstreetfood!

Retired coffee professional

Coffee has been a passion of mine my entire adult life. I've worked in cafes, roasteries, and training labs, constantly challenging myself to better my craft, and to help those around me better theirs. I've been a barista, a trainer, a roaster, a manager, a national competitor, a coach, and a mentor to as many people as possible.

Even though I am retired from working in coffee professionally, I still stay up on industry trends and always take the time to answer any question about coffee anyone asks (even if its in way more scientific detail than they could ever imagine).

Recent Projects

Portfolio card

Taking Play Mountain (by Strategy) was created to help myself get out of creative blocks, relying on the work of 2 artists' work on changing your perspective. Written with React, and photographed by me.

Taking Play Mountain (by Strategy) on github

Cuppy keeps track of the coffee you drink, from seed to cup. Hosted on AWS server, using PostgreSQL for persistence, Node.js for templating, server queries, sessions, user validation; and Express.js for routing.

cuppy on github
Adopt and Chill

Adopt and Chill helps to solve the serious problem of overcrowded animal shelters in a lighthearted way. The user is matched to a local, adoptable dog based some algorithms, and shown their selections using JS DOM manipulation.

adopt and chill on github

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